Horwich Advertiser Issue 619
Page 8 February 2025 AD SALES 01204 478812 Feel the benefit of solar power, save money on your energy bills, and help tackle climate change. Scan to see if you qualify for free or discounted home upgrades. Bromleys is an independent, family owned and managed business. We are dedicated to the principles, values, and benefits of the traditional Funeral Service. We are committed to providing the highest standard of care and service to each family that we serve. Our involvement begins the moment that you contact us and extends beyond the point at which the deceased is laid to rest. A funeral is one of life’s most personal events and we know how important it is for each family to decide on a funeral which is as meaningful as possible to their particular needs and circumstances. We offer a totally professional and complete funeral service and we are at your service in this, your time of need. We believe that a funeral should be as individual as the person who has died. We, therefore, offer a wide choice of services which can be tailored to the needs, wishes and requirements of each family. HORSE & CARRIAGE . . . HEARSE & LIMOUSINE . . . AFFORDABLE CHOICE . . . DIRECT CREMATIONS . . . Pre Paid Funeral Plans Available - Ask for details. Voices brought together by cancer THE Bolton Cancer Voices choir is looking to get the year off to a great start by encour- aging more newmem- bers to its ranks. The choir is exclu- sively for people who have received a cancer diagnosis of any kind, recently or at some point in the past. It has no geographical boundaries when it comes to membership, people just need to be able to get to the centre of Bolton for rehearsals, which are on Monday evenings from 7.30pm until 9pm. Membership is free, there are no auditions to worry about and you don’t need to be able to read music. The group describes itself as “a different and relaxed way to connect with others who under- stand life with and beyond cancer”. And it says that while cancer brings the choir together it’s their love of music that unites members. Karen Elliott, who chairs the Cancer Voices choir, said: “Singing in a choir is such a joyous and uplifting thing to do: with increasingly recognised therapeutic benefits, we would really like to encourage people to give it a try. “There’s a lovely vibe to the choir and our mem- bers are truly supportive of one another. “We have people at all points in their cancer journey and beyond: for some it’s important to leave everything cancer related at the door and just enjoy belting out great songs and look- ing forward to the next event; others are looking to connect with a com- munity that understands the challenges cancer can bring to your life. “Whatever your rea- son for joining, I can assure you you’ll be warmly welcomed to our friendly choir.” To enquire about join- ing Bolton Cancer Voices contact Karen on 01204 595562 / 07773 164235. Full voice: The choir’s Christmas concert proved to be a festive hit
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