Horwich Advertiser Issue 612

August 2024 Page 13 AD SALES 01204 478812 WE SELL RECYCLED FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS ALL AT VERY COMPETITIVE PRICES TO DONATE YOUR GOODS AND ARRANGE A FREE COLLECTION CALL 01204 398056 Opening Times: Monday-Friday 9.00am - 5pm Saturday 10am - 4pm DERBY BARRACKS, FLETCHER STREET, BOLTON BL3 6NF www.emmaus-bolton.org.uk • info@emmausbolton.org.uk GARDEN CENTRE Come along for all your bedding plants and more! TRADING Standards officers in Bolton are warning people to be alert against doorstep scammers and rogue traders. The warning comes after a per- son living in Egerton reported he had been persistently targeted by scammers selling clean- ing products. Doorstep scammers have been known to carry bags filled with cleaning products, claiming to be ex-offenders who are just out of prison and are selling household cleaning products as part of their rehabilitation to help turn their lives around. Others claim they are ex-sol- diers but use the same tactics as the alleged ex-prisoners. Neither the Probation Service nor The Army facilitate such schemes. A Trading Standards spokes- person said: “Where products are sold and the residents deemed gullible, addresses are passed on to criminals in pubs and prisons with the intention of being bur- gled later. “Rogue traders will knock on doors unannounced and claim they have noticed damage, before offering to have a look for free as they have just finished a job nearby and have all their equip- ment with them. “Often having links to organ- ised crime, these groups can become persistent and aggressive in obtaining a sale, particularly amongst vulnerable residents.” Victims of rogue traders have found themselves thousands of pounds out of pocket following poor workmanship or no work being carried out at all. This is usually after paying a large amount of cash as a deposit - the rogue traders are never seen again after consumers have parted with their cash. Sue Haworth, Bolton council’s executive cabinet member for reg- ulatory services, said: “We want residents to be extra vigilant before opening their door to cold callers offering services or house- hold products. “We advise residents to think carefully before buying products or agreeing to work from traders who tout for work on the doorstep. “It’s important to do your own research before agreeing to any work. This includes searching for online reviews and checking the business address is legitimate. “We also ask that you look out for vulnerable neighbours who may be at greater risk from being scammed. “If you or any of your neigh- bours appear uncomfortable with traders, we advise contact- ing the police on 101 or 999 if an emergency.” To report rogue traders to Trad- ing Standards, call the Citizens Advice consumer service on 03454 040506 or use the online form at www.citizensadvice.org.uk . Trading Standards advice is to always say no to cold callers. More information on how to avoid rogue traders can be found at www.citi- zensadvice.org.uk/consumer. BLACKROD’S famous scare- crows came out to play as the village’s annual festival entertained locals and visi- tors alike. Visitors to the much-loved com- munity festival, now in its 16th year, were once again treated to a host of imaginative entries in what is Blackrod’s biggest annual event. One of the new events this year was the Blackrod Scarecrow 10k race, with a route taking in the village and the surround- ing countryside. Blackrod Library hosted a scarecrow picnic to celebrate the weekend of family fun. This year’s entries included a scarecrow choir, the England Euro 24 team and Sponge- Bob SquarePants. Speaking before the event a festival spokesperson said: “A team of volunteers are working their little straw hats off in the background to make this year’s event even bigger and better.” Bolton West’s new MP Phil Brickell was among the visitors and shared his photos from the festival on social media. He said: “It was fantastic to see such creative flair! Thank you to all the hard-working volunteers who make this event happen every year.” Beware doorstep scammers Imaginative: Some of this year’s entries (Photo credit: Phil Brickell) Straw poll declares festival a big hit